Seminars, Conferences and Key Notes
Debbie Hommel, ACC/MC/EDU, CTRS is an experienced trainer and workshop presenter. Debbie’s shares her expertise in an enthusiastic, practical and creative manner. Many of her sessions ]leave the participant feeling energized and eager to apply their new found skills and knowledge. Contact or call 609-290-4549 to schedule Debbie for your next conference.
Debbie is a Certified Activity Consultant with specializations in Memory Care and Education through the National Certification Council for Activity Professionals. Debbie is also is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist with the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification with over thirty-eight years of experience in providing direct care, training and consultation to long term care facilities, medical day care, assisted living communities.
Debbie Hommel is an active member of Activity Professional Associations on State and National levels. She is a founding member of the New Jersey Activity Professionals’ Association, serving terms as Vice President and President. Debbie is Past President of the National Cerification Council for Activity Professionals and is serving a third term on the NCCAP Board. She has received numerous awards including the Weidner Lifetime Achievement Award, the Monmouth & Ocean County Activity Professionals Life Achievement Award and the MEPAP Instructor of the Year Award from NCCAP.
Debbie has presented for Health Care and Activity Associations in the following states: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Virgnia, North Carolina, Lousiana, Nebraska, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Idaho, New Mexico, Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and West Virginia.
Here is what some people have said:
Debbie – You were absolutely amazing! What a great speaker, I will definitely be making some tweaks around what I took away from you. Thank you so much for your wisdom, talents and ideas… greatly appreciated!
Helped to get my creative juices flowing. The interactive brainstorming was excellent.
Thanks for a great job. Thanks for sharing your ideas and motivation for this often, overlooked population.
Interested in having Debbie Hommel come speak to your group?
Here are some of the topics:
Documentation for the Activity Professional
The ABC’s of Care Planning
Assessing for Quality of Life
Professional Issues & Management
Team building
In service Education and Public Speaking
Stress Management and Burn Out
Creating and Managing a Volunteer Program
Advocacy and the Activity Professional
Ageism and the Activity Professional
Survival Guide for the Activity Professional
Time Management and the Activity Professional
The Importance of Vision and Setting Professional Goals
Hiring the Best Person
Orientation and Training of Staff
Quality Assurance: How Well is your Program?
QAPI and the Activity Department
Understanding and Implementation of the Hand in Hand Training Program
Hand in Hand Training Program
Developing Your Leadership Power
Activities: Where are we going?
Leadership Style through Colors
Employee Engagement
Who is the Person in Person Centered Care?
What’s so Special About Special Care?
Helping Approaches
Understanding Behavioral Symptoms : Whose Problem is it?
The IDC Approach to Understanding and Responding to Behavioral Expessions
Thematic Sensory Programs for the Cognitively Impaired Approaches for the Severely Cognitively Impaired
Meeting the Needs of the Many (adapting activities for varying levels of dementia residents).
The ABC’s of Adaptation
Communicating with the Cognitively Impaired
Understanding Dementia
Program Specific
Boys Night Out (activities for men)
Creating an Individualized Visit Program
Creative Arts Programming
Programming for the Short Term Admission
What do the Baby Boomers Want?
Therapeutic Group Process
The Art of Engagement
For more information about any of these programs or specific topics you may need for your conference, contact or call 609-290-4549.